Payment Details for Life Members

The Life-membership fee for Indian Nationals : Rs. 4000/-, For Others € 300/- (Euros Three Hundred only) w.e.f. April 1, 2011. Please add Rs. 100/- for outstation cheque.

Fileds marked * are mandatory

Member Category * :
Salutation * :
First Name * :
Middle Name :
Last Name :
Office Address * :
Office Tel * :
Office Fax :
Email * :

Alternate Email :
Residential Address :
Residential Tel :
Mobile * :
Present Designation * :
Education :
Electrochemical Systems Available :
Details of International Visits In last 5 years:
(Professor’s name, laboratory, address and email etc.)
Mode Of Payment* :
Chaque No. / DD No. / UTRN / NEFT :
Date :
Bank :
Amount :
Attach file (PDF, DOC) with details of your latest Publications in Electro analytical Chemistry (Please mention max. 10, Details may include Professor’s name, laboratory, address and email etc.) :
PassportSize Photograph *
Choose File Formats Allowed : JPG/JPEG
SIZE must be 75 X 100 pixels:

*   I have filled up the form in my full conscious and awareness. The informations declared in the form are all correct.